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Dickens, Charles

Christmas Carol - Stave 1 (Article)
Scrooge gets a surprising visitor in the middle of the night.
Christmas Carol, A (Article)
Stave 1, Marley's Ghost, Scrooge
Christmas Carol, A Stave 1 (Article)
British Literature
Christmas Carol, A: Condensed by the author for public reading (Article)
Assignment, stave 1, Beam
Christmas Carol, A: Condensed by the author for public reading (Article)
Condensed version
Christmas Carol, A; stave one (Article)
Stave one of A Christmas Carol with definitions of difficult vocabulary to help students to understand the text.
Christmas Carol, A; Stave two (Article)
Stave two with difficult vocabulary defined to help students understand the text.
Passage from Oliver Twist (Article)
About child labor.
Pre teach vocabulary (Article)
Can you check the tricky words from the chapter

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