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Sample Original: is a sublime web site that expedites learning in myriad ways. It helps with reading betterment, and it invites discourse on more topics.

Sample Output: is a sublime web site that expedites learning in myriad ways. It helps with reading betterment, and it invites discourse on more topics.

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Part of speech information

You can see all the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and a lot more, in the text you rewordify! Just click the new "Parts of speech" button after you rewordify some text:

pos button

Interactive view

This mode shows nine different major part of speech categories by highlighting each part of speech category a different color:

pos screen shot

You can turn on and turn off the highlighting of each part of speech by clicking/tapping the words in the header. For example, if you only want the verbs and adjectives highlighted, click/tap all other parts of speech in the header:

pos select operation

Advanced view peforms a much deeper analysis of parts of speech than what is summarized in the Interactive view. If you're a language lover or researcher, click on Advanced view:

pos advanced view

Each word has a tag added to the end of it. For more information and examples of the tags, read this page. Note that our tags have been shortened and simplified from the full Penn Treebank set.


The part of speech tagger separates contractions, and then tags each of the two words in the contraction separately. For example, if you were to rewordify this (dramatic) passage:

She's upset, but she didn't realize nothing's wrong with Neil's mind. It's what he'll always say. He'd always be someone who'd understand.

and click the Parts of speech button, you'd see this:

pos screen shot

You'll see that the contractions were all separated. Here are some examples:

The word She's was separated into She (pronoun) and 's (short for is, a verb).
The word didn't was separated into did (verb) and n't (short for not, an adverb).
The word nothing's was separated into nothing (noun) and 's (short for is, a verb).
The word Neil's was separated into Neil (noun) and the 's (acting as a possessive pronoun).
The word He'll was separated into He (pronoun) and 'll (short for will, a verb).

Accuracy note

The tagger needs complete English sentences to function at its best. Short phrases, Phrases With All Capital Letters Like Headlines, or SHORT ALL CAPS PHRASES can confuse the tagger.

There is no such thing as a perfect part of speech tagger. Linguistic experts disagree on many issues of part of speech assignment. Also, language is horrifically complex. No computer can read, understand, and "know" that a certain word should be a verb and not an adjective, for example.

If you see an obvious error, please tell us about it, but be sure to include the entire sentence that contains the part of speech tagging error.

For example, don't simply say something like: "The word PLAY is tagged wrong!" and that's all. Did you mean "The stage play (noun) was funny?" "I'm going to play (verb) some baseball?" "They went on a play (adjective) date?"

Original text only

The part of speech tagger works only on the original, harder text. It does not show part of speech data for the easier, "reworded" text.

Why a part of speech tagger?

Our exclusive Rewordifying Engine needs a super-accurate part of speech tagger so it replaces words more accurately. For example, take the sentence:

I rarely unlearned what I learned. I never wanted to be an unlearned person.

If you would rewordify it (try it now), the site will replace the two instances of unlearned with two different words, because the first unlearned is a verb, and the second unlearned is an adjective.

Now, you can learn more about how langauge works by viewing part of speech information for all original text you rewordify!

Happy part of speech tagging!
